Refund Policy

1. Cancellation

If you decide to cancel your order, the WebAssignmentHelp firm will refund you 100% of your money. This is applicable before a writer is assigned to your task. Suppose an order has already been allocated to a writer and you cancel the order. The reimbursement amount will be determined by the assignment deadline. You can check the assignment status at any moment using our status checker. You may claim 70% of the payment if the assignment term hasn’t been completed. This stands if the assignment is not completed for more than half of the allocated time. However, if more than half of the time has expired, you will be entitled to a 50% refund. This deduction is made because the writer would be compensated for his or her efforts.

2. Refund for an order that has been completed

You cancel your purchase after the paper has been finished or sent to you on time. In such a case, you will not be entitled to a refund. If the paper is sent before the deadline, you may only seek a refund. This c scenario will be considered if there are quality concerns. To do so, go to the purchase page and select the "Refund" option.

If you cancel your purchase before downloading the finished document, the firm may consider a return of up to 30%.

3. What would if for one order, being charged twice?

Feel free to contact us if you are charged twice for the same purchase. This can be done via payment processing systems and get two receipts. Send both invoices to our email address. Post this, we'll reimburse your overpayment as soon as possible.

4. Inadvertently placing the same order twice

You make the same order twice. If the same money is deducted from your account for both purchases, please contact us at the earliest. We would cancel the purchases. It is also the registered user's obligation to cancel any orders that are no longer required. This has to be done before a writer is assigned to the order. If you fail to do so, your purchase will be treated as a normal order. You will be refunded according to our standard refund policy.

5. Order was finished after the deadline.

You will not be eligible for reimbursement if the lateness is caused by you. E.g. your failure to submit additional documents on time. Please make sure that when making your purchase, you submit the essential documents. Additionally, you need to fill out all relevant information.

You may request a recalculation of the deadline based on the time of delivery. This is applicable if the first version of the order is delivered after the initial deadline. For example, you make an order for delivery within 24 hours and it arrives an hour later. In such a scenario, your purchase will fall under the 2 days category. You will be paid just for the new category. You will be repaid the difference in the category's pricing.

You are entitled to a full refund if the first edition of your purchase is provided beyond the stipulated deadline. Also, if you do not accept the paper (i.e. do not download).

All requests for lateness refunds must be filed using a form on the purchase page within 14 days of the paper's delivery.

6. Order revision performed after the deadline

The deadlines for changes are specified individually. Hence, the standard pricing calculation and return for lateness do not apply to modifications of orders.

As a result, when placing a revision order, choose the appropriate deadline. The deadline should be at least 30% longer than the previous draft's deadline. This would give us ample time to make any necessary document adjustments.

To make the process easier, the system will compute the next period for your revision order automatically. If the computed time frame is less than 30% of the preceding draught deadline, pick the time accordingly. Make sure there is a 30% time gap.

7. I'd want to get a partial refund. The quality is not up to par. I accept it and will make my own revisions.

If you are dissatisfied with the paper's quality, you may request a free revision. Alternatively, you may seek a partial refund by choosing the option "Requesting for a partial refund" from the "Refund" menu. The quality is not up to par. I accept it and will make my own revisions.”

If you choose for a partial refund, you will be provided access to the document's MS Word version. You'll have 14 days to back up your statements with good proof (examples or reasoning). As proof, you may use your own amended version of the paper. If you produce the documentation, you may be eligible for a refund of up to 40%. This depends on the Dispute Department's decision. You may contact the support staff for help if you want a partial refund. This would be done after you approve the final version of your purchase.

Consequently, if you do not offer any proof necessary to settle the disagreement within 14 days, the claim stands terminated. The refund will be impossible.

Any request for a partial refund must be completed using the "Refund" Option on your particular purchase page. This will be within 14 days from the time the paper is approved.

8. I'm requesting a complete return. I am completely unsatisfied with the product's quality. I'm going to compose it myself.

You may request a free revision if you are utterly dissatisfied with the paper's quality. Alternatively, you may seek a complete refund by choosing the option "Requesting for a full refund" from the "Refund" menu. You can go for the option “I am completely unsatisfied with the product's quality”. “I wrote it all by myself.”

If you choose this option, the paper will be removed from your purchase page immediately. It would be made accessible for commercial use online. You'll have 14 days to back up your statements with good proof (examples or reasoning). You may also upload and utilize a copy of your own document as proof. If you produce the documentation, you may be eligible for a refund of up to 40%. This depends on the Dispute Department's decision. You may contact the support staff for help if you want a partial refund. This is possible after you approve the final version of your purchase. Following the completion of the review, the document you share will be discarded. The whole manuscript, as well as any section of it, will not be saved in our database. It will not be shared with anyone else. You might earn up to a 100% refund after discretion with the Dispute Department if you offer adequate and compelling proof.

If you do not offer any proof necessary to settle the disagreement within 14 days, the claim will be terminated. In such a case, a refund will be impossible.

If you seek a complete refund owing to unsatisfactory quality, the firm would use it for commercial purposes. We do not maintain any essay databases. However, posting online implies that the work will be found in a search engine or on a plagiarism report. The text might potentially be published in its entirety or as a sample essay. This measure is taken to safeguard our authors' work.

Customers have the option of requesting a revision and extra changes. If you hit the "Approve Order" button, you will be given an editable and printable version of the document. In this instance, a complete refund is not possible. Even if you've already given your approval to the order, whether for the original or updated version. You may, however, be entitled to partial reimbursement.

9. After downloading the order, I forgot to approve it.

The order must be approved within 14 days. The approval period is automatically computed from the time the most recent version. It is available for download on your personal purchase page. The document is automatically authorized if you neglect to approve the order or request a modification within 14 days. You have 14 days from the time you were approved to obtain a refund. There is no way to get a refund after that.